Q: Does Curious Cargo have items other than shown on the website?
A: Yes, we have thousands of additional items available at our store locations in Fort Myers and Naples.
Q: Does Curious Cargo ship items?
A: All items on the website are available for purchase and in-store pickup. Furniture, lamps and framed art are not available for shipping. Other items will be shipped via Fedex at their cost. Items purchased for in-store pick-up must be picked up within 72 hours of purchase.
Q: Does Curious Cargo have "Sales"?
A: We set our prices very competitively and eschew the notion of setting higher prices merely to promote a discount in the attempt to attract customers with provocative "sales". We believe that discerning customers realize the quality and value of our merchandise without having to rely on 'discount' lures. We take pride in keeping our everyday prices as low as possible to give customers the value they desire on a daily basis.
Q: Does Curious Cargo offer gift certificates?
A: Curious Cargo offers electronic gift certificates online that can be emailed to whoever you choose and physical gift cards in our stores. Online gift certificates may be redeemed either through our curiouscargo.net website or in-store and the gift cards may be redeemed only at one of our store locations. There is no expiration date for either certificate or card.
Q: What is Curious Cargo's return policy?
A: For in-store purchases, Curious Cargo has a 14 day return policy with the original receipt, except for close-out items which are non-returnable.
For online purchases Curious Cargo has a 7 day "after received" policy. The customer must notify Curious Cargo through our "Contact us" link at curiouscargo.net within 7 days after the item has been received that they want to return the item and the reason for the return. If the return is for a defective or incorrect item, Curious Cargo will pay shipping for the return of the item and when it is received will ship a correct replacement item at no charge. If the return is for reasons other than defective/incorrect item, the customer is responsible for the shipping charges and a refund for the price of the item will be issued when the item is received. Shipping charges are non-refundable.
Please use the "Contact Us" link for any more questions you have.....